Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Yesterday I was a 4 and today I am a 5...

Yesterday I participated in a focus group about adds and commercials for Apollo College. We had a homework assignment to write out a typical weeks day for us and to bring in a picture of something or someone you are most proud of. Everyone brought in pictures of their kids, lovers and family. I brought in a fl yer for my first ever solo art show, that is today.

I got sort of a hint from our speaker and everyone that family is everything. I not too close to my family and they and most of my good friends are far away. I haven't been in a relationship in over a year. And to make matters even better I was told that day by the man that I would have stayed in Phoenix if i knew he loved me, that he loved me and that he is moving in with his boyfriend.

It was kind of a many punches below the belt kind of day. But what I realised after a nice chat with a friend is...

That my lovers come and go. Kids at some point let their parents down and love is not guarantee till to death do you part but what I create with my bare hands will out last any relationship I ever have. My past lovers can take their love away, break my heart and disappoint me but no man and no person on earth can take what i create. Art will out last us all.

(PS this is a disclaimer that though many people have awesome families and lovers I have either but what I have I created from my hands I will never worry about that leaving me or hurting me.)

1 comment:

  1. This was very interesting..I think I am like you--I would not have taken in a photo of my family (well...maybe my cat). I am glad that you have had an exhibit all your own. Hoping to see more of your art!
