I come from a family of 9 kids and I growing up there was only 3 of the 9 kids in the house. 6 of the kids came from Dad's other marriage and they were not around much. Growing up I was closer to my sister Roxanne more then my Brother Armando. My father ran out my Brother Armando when both my sister and I were young. For it was for a wile just Roxanne and me. We went to hell and back. We would hold each other and cry in the closet as my parent would argue and throw things around the house at each other. My sister was 17 when she got pregnant and she had a little girl named Anisa. My sister and I remained close still and I even helped her with Anisa. My sister meet a man named Mike and they got married and had a baby girl named Alexis. After our Mom died and many years later she left her husband and slowly became a person I would not know any more. She became a liar and thief and went to jail. Almost lost everything. She ended up having two little boys with a man who was a coke addict and thief that broke into my apartment and our Father's house. It's been over a year since I have spoken to my sister. To me the sister I grew up with and was close too is long dead and what is left is a spineless evil person that left an awful Impact on her family. Most whom today no longer talk to her.
Thanks for the comment! I can really appreciate the texture in this piece as well. My favorite!