Thursday, June 21, 2012

snagged my contract!

This morning I left Portland for Seattle. I got in and checked into the Green Tortoise Hostel; right next to the awesome Pike Market Place. After check in I headed straight to Continuum Heart in Motion Gallery. I have been showing at this Gallery for over a year now. The owners have been amazing. They paid to have my art work ship to the Gallery, they paid for one of my works to be shipped and they paid for me to come up for the opening show. But I have yet to sell a piece of work there yet. for the last year I have felt bad for that. I have felt like I had failed but today on my way to the gallery I saw this gallery that I have been too before and the same work they had last year was still there on display. And this was amazing work from an artist know around the Pacific North West. So if a know artist is having trouble selling then i can't be too bad that my stuff is not flying off the wall. 

But regardless business is business and this gallery has to make a buck. artist must pay a fee i can not afford but the gallery as agreed to let me show in exchange for three days a month of work. A fair trade if you ask me. So I will see you Seattle every month! :)


Sunday, June 17, 2012

new commission

I forgot to add i have been commission to do a painting of a Lotus Flower in front of a Vagina. Now if I can find a nice V GaGa worth drawing. I have been looking at pics of women's goodies all afternoon and have yet to find anything promising. I might just need to relay on good all BellaDonna for inspiration


Livin' the Dream 24/7 documentary

The last few weeks i have been participating in a documentary called Livin the Dream 24/7.   Its about people in the Portland Metro area going after their dreams. My dream is to live off the sales of my art work and not have to work any more or less at my real job. This is week 3 of filming. Here what I have.

So I have a dream. this dream is costly and will take some time to get going. I want $3000 in my saving, full line of cards, post cards, mugs and prints to sell and what not. Currently i have some mugs and like $27 bucks saved up. Due to working too much and living away from my studio it has made it hard to paint as much as i like. or save up. the last 9 months I feel like i have used my art studio as expensive storage rather then a shop to work in.

So dreams must be funded with cash not day dreams. The time has come to make tough choices. My lease is ending and i have yet to find a studio i like or can afford. so i'm giving her up and i will be working out of my bedroom...again. It seems like a step back but its in order to save up for the cash i need to fund my dream. Rome was not built over time and i sure as hell don't think earth was made in 6 days and my dream will not come true over night and not with hard work and sacrifice.

Viva la Dream!


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A long over due update!

In the last episode we found our hero lost and alone and unsure what to do. Now since then He's had a few shows and forgot to update the blog about them. He has neglected his blog and website and art studio. But is hard at work now getting his ducks in a row. He has a new facebook fan page, that will soon have pictures and more info. The website will have an updated of pictures of new work and what has sold as well as a change to buy prints, coffee mugs of my work and originals via pay pal. and I'm starting to work one sat a month in an art gallery in Seattle so yeah. I plan of working less at my real job and working more on my dream job. Sorry I've been lazy and neglectful of my communications. I have been working way too much over time at work and dealing with personal drama. But its all in the past and the future looks awesome. :)

Your pal,

Frankie Olivo